Sunday, November 05, 2006

There's something moving in there!

We had our second scheduled visit to the OB last Friday. This was a relatively simple visit: height and weight, blood pressure, a brief discussion, and a listen to the baby' heartbeat. Everything is going well so far. The little guy's got a strong heart, and he likes to play hide-and-seek any time the doctors try to monitor him. We discussed my wife's morning, noon, and night sickness with the doctor as well. She put my wife on an anti-nausea medication, and it seems to be working so far. She hasn't had any episodes over the weekend. We spent most of the weekend out shopping for ideas on how to remodel what is going to become the kid's bathroom. We made it to the Great Indoors about 6:00 Saturday night. As we walked through the entrance, my wife started to slow up a bit. I asked her if she was getting nauseous. She told me her belly felt weird, kind of nauseous, but not like normal. This was kind of like gentle pressure, coming in waves, that was making her belly feel weird. We figure that's probably the baby moving around. So that's it, the first time she felt the baby move was while we were at the Great Indoors. By the way, anyone know how to install a bathtub?

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